, 16 Jan, 2017
If it wasn’t for those monsters my job would have been easy, but thanks to them I was a very busy VFX nerd on set for over 6 months. Hundreds of vector art diagrams along with camera and lighting data were delivered to help make the Henson creature suits come to CG life. Also, a…
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, 16 Jan, 2017
Talk about a rock solid team of capable camera trackers… We churned through hundreds of shots to ensure that Rob Cohen’s army of zombie mummies ran with their feet on solid ground, while fighting The Emperors terracotta warriors on the battlefield of doom. Actually I don’t think it was called that, but it looked pretty…
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, 16 Jan, 2017
TF2 required such a wide variety of tasks, i’m not quite sure where to begin. On set I took a ton of notes and shot over 10,000 photos. They were mainly for modelling purposes, HDR lighting, polarised textures and also background plates. In post I cheekily replaced some of Mr Bay’s background footage with some…
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, 16 Jan, 2017
This kid flies around NYC in winged shoes while carrying a lightning bolt. I don’t know how he does that, but I do know how we created the fake city that appears to be underneath him, because I was a matte painter at Digital Domain. First off I stitched pan and tile photographs that were…
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, 16 Jan, 2017
This film looks so much more realistic than the old action figurine commercials, because teams of people spent countless hours making it appear that way. My job was to paint mountainous backgrounds and to remove unwanted crew and equipment from scenes shot in Paris, Prague and California. Environments geeks would then patch pieces of my…
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, 16 Jan, 2017
If the principle photography in Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Florida and Cambodia didn’t wear me out, I’m pretty sure the 8+ months in post did. The VFX team experienced a whole new level of pain this time around, as this particular Transformers was shot and delivered in 3D. Gone were the days of a simple…
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, 16 Jan, 2017
I’ve got to admit, the toys i had handed to me on this show continue to blow my mind. While in Seoul I was asked to Supervise plate photography with a 9 x Red Epic camera array and an 8 x Red Epic 360 degree array, both mounted on top of a camera vehicle with…
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, 13 Aug, 2013
Wow. By far the most complex shoot i’ve ever had to get my head around. If it wasn’t shot upside down, back to front, inside out or in reverse, then it would get flopped in post. But hot damn did it look good!